As I am sure you all know, I reside in Crutonia’s capital city, Cruton. It is a glorious place as any of you lucky enough to live there or visit. As indicated on the map with a purple circle, Cruton is located in central Crutonia next to the Zigzag River and the Great reservoir. It is the largest city in our magnificent land.
The city itself is made up of eight neighborhoods. Color coded on the drawing shown here, the neighborhoods are Cruton Hill (light blue), Palace Heights (yellow), Bordenburg (lilac), Reservoir Terrace (green), Chirlee Slope (pink), Splendid Gardens (orange), Keebletown (yellow-green), and Whoohookis (red).

Cruton Hill is where Parliament is located, as well as the superb Whotel Who, Prink’s Chophouse, the marketplace and the sporting arena. The rest of the districts are mostly residential, with several businesses mixed in. Several of the most prominent Cruton residents live in Palace Heights, the culture-centric croazyn frogs and yoons tend to settle in Whoohookis, and the more provincial citizens are found in Keebletown.
I of course reside in the castle just adjacent to the city, along with my Queen, the crown prince, and my loyal staff. I will be sure to present them all grandly in a future post.
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