In the capital city of Cruton, we are well protected from invaders who wish to pillage our great wealth, and from horrible citizen-eating creatures. This security is provided by our frog militia, comprised of sxervian frogs. In Cruton, we have two major frog security forces, the Yellow and the Purple Brigades. The Purple Brigade oversees the safety of the city proper, while the Yellow is specifically assigned to guard the Castle, the staff royale, and (of the highest importance) myself and my family.
For all the brigades, each frog is in a group of six frogs. This group is also called a brigade. Two of these brigades make up a squad, and all the squads/brigades together are referred to as a battalion. Each battalion, squad, and brigade has a leader.
Pictured here is the Yellow Brigade. The battalion leader, Bnjamin, and his two squad leaders, Teedor and Symun, are all decorated war heroes. So is the frog Phranklun, poor chap. He was for a time a high-ranking frog, but fell in ranks due to some bad behavior. He has not been quite right since the war.

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